Implant Dentistry

Our Implant Dentistry Credentials

Dr. Bork has been involved with implants since 1983, thats over 30 years experience. He sets aside a day each week to  place implants and perform bone grafts in preparation to place implants. That’s dedication to helping his patients. We are qualified in both mini and conventional implants and a long time member of the International Congress of Oral Implantology, the leading board certifying group in dental implants.

Does An Implant Procedure Hurt?

The typical implant procedure is less than an hour in the office and we just use local anesthetic. It’s rare to feel anything during or after the procedure and most people use Tylenol or Motrin after their visit. You can right back to work after the procedure in most cases. Many patients say it’s easier than getting a filling.

Mini vs Standard Implants

We are experienced in both types of implants. We don’t use the same size for all situations because everyones mouth is unique. We work with two of the largest Implant Companies in the world and have a choice of nearly 100 different implants for your special needs. Come in and we will talk about what will work best for you.

How Much Does it Cost?

An implant and crown replacing a bridge (or instead of a bridge) usually costs the same or sometimes less than the cost of the bridge. The best part is the adjacent teeth often don’t have any work done to them. While we can’t list the price here because of NYS law we will say our price is competitive and often less than other offices because we have been working in implants for a long time and have good relations with the major manufacturers. Also, many times your insurance will pick up the cost of the crown on the implant. The best way to find out is to come in for a FREE Consult. Call our office now!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

We accept most insurances including Delta Dental, Healthplex, Fidelis Care, Emblem Health(GHI) and many more…

Call (716) 839-4222 or visit our contact page to fill out our contact form.